Lawyer in Minneapolis, MN | Shek Law, LLC
Navigating Muddy Waters With Confidence

Your Ally Against DANCO Violations

Facing a Domestic Abuse No Contact Order (DANCO) violation in Greater Minnesota can be an overwhelming ordeal, but I’m here to guide you through the intricacies of the law. Understanding your rights and responsibilities is crucial, and that’s where my expertise enters the picture. With Shek Law, LLC, your setback can become an opportunity for a strong defense against these serious accusations.

DANCO Violations Lawyer in Minneapolis, MN

Clearing Up Your Questions

What exactly is a DANCO?

A Domestic Abuse No Contact Order, or DANCO, is a legal order designed to protect the victim of domestic abuse, harassment, or stalking by restricting an accused individual from making any contact with the protected person.

How is a violation of a DANCO determined legally?

For a DANCO violation to be upheld in court, it must be proven ‘beyond a reasonable doubt’. This is a higher standard of proof compared to other burdens, such as ‘preponderance of evidence’, meaning more likely than not or the clear and convincing standard used in probation violations.

When is a DANCO violation considered a misdemeanor?

The violation becomes a gross misdemeanor if the defendant has any prior conviction for a qualified domestic crime within ten years.

What distinguishes a DANCO from a no-contact condition of release?

While both terms impose communication restrictions, a DANCO is a standalone legal order directly leading to new criminal charges if violated. In contrast, breaching a no-contact condition of release results in a violation handled within the existing case framework, not as a new charge.

When does a DANCO violation escalate to a misdemeanor?

A DANCO violation is considered a misdemeanor when the individual accused has no prior qualified domestic crimes within the past ten years.

How can a DANCO be lifted or vacated?

Extracting oneself from under a DANCO involves an intricate legal process. It is essential that your attorney understands the nuances and is equipped with strategies to influence the judge’s decision, which often requires the involvement of the protected party. My practice has succeeded in lifting DANCOs for clients by effectively navigating these complexities.

Let’s turn the tables on your DANCO violation. Contact Shek Law now —your fight is my fight, and I’m not in the business of losing.