Defend Your Rights with Confidence
Resolute DWI Defense
In the whirlwind of confusion that follows a DWI/DUI charge, finding steadfast legal support is paramount. With a detail-oriented approach, I, Maxwell Shek, take pride in defending the community of Minneapolis, MN against such charges, ensuring your legal rights are upheld with exactitude. Shek Law, LLC stands as a guiding light for those entangled in the complexities of DUI/DWI allegations, striving for outcomes that protect your future.

Expert Insights to Help You Better Understand Your Case
When is an officer justified in initiating a DWI pull-over?
An officer must have reasonable suspicion of a violation or criminal activity, such as traffic infractions or signs of impairment, to lawfully pull you over. I examine the specifics to assert whether the officer had just cause for the stop.
On what grounds can an officer arrest me for DWI or DUI?
An officer needs one objective indication of intoxication to arrest without a warrant. I delve into the minutiae of these indicators, like the accuracy of the odor of alcohol or the clarity of eye observations, to contest the validity of your arrest.
What distinguishes the roadside breathalyzer from the station's breathalyzer in DWI cases?
The roadside device is only a tool for establishing probable cause and is not deemed accurate for evidentiary purposes. I navigate the nuances of this distinction, advising when it’s strategic to contest the station’s test reliability.
What can escalate a routine traffic stop to a DWI investigation?
For a traffic stop to progress, an officer requires concrete facts indicating impairment. I scrutinize these alleged facts, often challenging their credibility to counteract unfounded DWI investigations.
How can Field Sobriety Testing be fought in court?
I challenge incorrect test administration or analysis, asserting that improper testing cannot be used to conclusively demonstrate intoxication.
Is witness testimony enough for an officer to presume I was driving?
Not necessarily, but a credible witness statement can serve as probable cause. I expertly evaluate such testimonies to ensure they hold up to legal scrutiny.
Secure your rights with committed DWI/DUI defense – Call 612-895-SHEK for representation that passes the test.